Not only is their music insanely catchy and memorable, but they put on a live performance that you will never forget. Full of costumes and theatrics.
Feb 10, 2024

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greatest band ever!!!! i never get tired of seeing them live
Jun 27, 2024
แ—น๊šถ๊ž† แ™กแ‹›๊—›แ™ ฤฌ ๊˜˜แ•”แ™…๊—›แ—ซ แŽฝ๊—ž๊šถ (แ™ก๊—žษŒาœ ฤฌ๊ž† แ‹›แ•”ษŒแ—ซ๊—›ษŒ, แ™แ•”าœ๊—› ฤฌ๊ž† แ—น๊—›๊ž†๊ž†๊—›ษŒ) ฤฌแ™ แ™แŽฝ แ—นิธแ•”แ™าœ แ™…๊—žแ™๊˜˜๊šถ๊•ทฤฌ๊—žแ™ (แ—ซ๊—ž ฤฌ๊ž† ๊˜˜แ•”๊•ท๊ž†๊—›ษŒ, แ™แ•”าœ๊—›๊•ท ๊šถ๊•ท ๊•ท๊ž†ษŒ๊—žแ™วค๊—›ษŒ) ฤฌ ษŒ๊—›แ•”ิธฤฌโฑฟ๊—›แ—ซ แŽฝ๊—ž๊šถ แ™ก๊—›ษŒ๊—›แ™'๊ž† แ™กษŒ๊—žแ™วค (แ™๊—žษŒ๊—› ๊ž†แ‹›แ•”แ™ ๊—›แ•“๊—›ษŒ, แ‹›๊—ž๊šถษŒ แ•”๊˜˜๊ž†๊—›ษŒ แ‹›๊—ž๊šถษŒ) ฤฌ๊ž† แ™กแ•”๊•ท แ•” แ™๊—›ษŒ๊—› ฤฌิธิธ๊šถ๊•ทฤฌ๊—žแ™ (แ™ก๊—žษŒาœ ฤฌ๊•ท แ™๊—›แ•“๊—›ษŒ ๊—žแ•“๊—›ษŒ) the robot duo's recorded lp edition of one of the most acclaimed live sets of all time oh you've NEVER felt fomo like this in literally every recording, the energy is palpable. if you had the privilege of seeing this live i'm so very happy for you (แตทuแด‰ษฅส‡ววs ษฏ'แด‰) i'm an appreciator of musical cohesion, and while that normally manifests as being a sucker for good transitions, i also love when an artist's discography has such a signature, cohesive sound that they make connections where you never would have thought to make them. that's an extremely long winded way of me saying THE MASHUPS HERE ARE INSANE. around the world/harder, better, faster, stronger is the most famous but showts OWT television rules the nation/crescendolls that part where the crowd goes nuts at the end makes me wanna cry i'd actually highly recommend looking up videos from the actual set, as not only are there differences between the album and the set, but there's differences between the different times they performed it depending on the show. happy hunting. robots 5evr
Apr 21, 2024
small act (performance art?) out of NYC, Iโ€™ve had the luxury of catching them twice, one when they opened for Jockstrap on their US tour and once when I was in NYC on a whim. Really cool stuff on stage, really innovative stage work, in addition to pop sensibilities. Thereโ€™s a lot of mystery around them too, in their music videos/short films and iconography/imagery, theyโ€™re gonna be huge
Feb 28, 2024