if you live in melbourne (aus), find a nice spot in yarra bend park, watch the sunset, and stay a little longer to watch the bats making their nightly trek to get food. there are thousands & thousands of them right overhead. so insanely beautiful. bonus points right now cause the babies have just gotten old enough to join along and they are just the sweetest things.
recommendation image
Feb 10, 2024

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smell is such a powerful way to connect to memories. I like to have a perfume that I use in each place I live/go on a longer holiday to; after leaving the place, I keep the perfume and smell it whenever I’m feeling nostalgic. one perfume to one place to create a really strong connection. for example, I got a cheap little cypressy perfume for a three week trip to greece and now I can just feel myself back there whenever I want. same thing for when I lived in denmark for a year, and different houses I’ve lived in in melbourne. really just so lovely
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