Here is a piece that I am livestreaming indefinitely on youtube. It’s footage from basically everywhere I’ve been in the past 3 years or so. All over America. YouTube is really a blessing; even if it was _just_ a storage platform for video it would be above and beyond anything else. I really recommend finding ways to make stuff for youtube.
Feb 10, 2024

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ever since i’ve deleted social media, youtube has been my everything like i cannot lie as a child of the internet, ive always been on youtube but i have a deeper appreciation for it now thank you to the random people who upload concerts, speeches, and old movies that were otherwise be inaccessible or impossible to find where else can i find the making of do the right thing (1989), mos def at fat beats (1999), constantly rewatch mtv‘s downtown, watch dick gregory at the city club of cleveland, and listen to berry gordy‘s memoir FOR FREE?? and of course it’s a lot of bs on youtube but you just have to use it right (linked mos def at fat beats, cause its just that good)
Nov 7, 2024
I really enjoy watching YouTube more than things on subscription services. It’s a privilege to have a peak at people’s creativity. Also, maybe I live in a third world country. People’s realities are often very difficult, but I‘m thankful there’s simple things that we can enjoy, like fresh fruits and the fact there’s no seasons. Every day of the year is almost the same and the weather depends on the city where you’re at, which in my opinion is way better than having to adjust to four different seasons 🌺
May 30, 2024
It seems I find a bunch of new videos I want to share every month so let me break it down for you here --It all started with this guy who has parking his car in his ultra tiny apartment down to an exact science and this guy landing a paper airplane onto the tram.Moving on from there, I watched some guy get a 1928 Model A running again, which led me down a path of “Abandoned ____, will it run?”-YouTube. Everything from old planes to cars and trucks. After a few SteveMRE’s inspired by Leia’s recs, I found a new favorite nook of YouTube - DeWayne from Dry Creek Wranglin’ School. He’s just an older “wrangler” living out in Texas, making YouTube videos on his iPhone XR a subscriber recommended. Sometimes he’s chattin with a cigar, going over the rules of wearing cowboy hats, while other times he’s teaching you how to buy a horse. I don’t need any of the advice he gives in my daily life, but I just cant get enough of his drawl as he goes on passionately about saddle rifles, trail etiquette, and his “time clock” on life. His is the only YouTube channel I’ve actually clicked the bell to let me know when there’s a new video to queue up.
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