being in a music rut and deciding to channel surf radio stations is fun ! you never know what to expect also discovering local college or high school stations with weird subgenres keeps things interesting
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Feb 11, 2024

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local/college radio is the absolute best way to find new music, especially when they are non-commercial and have a lot of freedom with what they play. sometimes you need to look past some bad picks but that’s part of the fun. also!! when u get into a habit of tuning in routinely you hear the same DJs frequently and get to know them and it’s so cute. AND local radio stations often run events and you can get involved and meet your favourite DJs and all of a sudden it’s not just discovering new music it’s a community!!! long live college radio!!
Apr 24, 2024
small college radio stations & independent radio is where i find the best music that i've never heard of. or just some wild freak shit. either way its great
Jan 23, 2024
Great way to expand your horizons musically. I get trapped in my own wheelhouse a lot, so it’s nice to hear stuff from completely out of the algorithmically generated left field. Highly curated all vinyl shows helmed by gray haired disk jockeys prone to rambling. Or mumbly college kids hooking their phones up to play from their playlists. Its nice. Adds a neat local flavor to life too. Won tickets to see Thundercat via a KXLU sweepstakes. Called immediately after and won tickets to see KAYTRANADA. Nobody else called in I guess.
Mar 7, 2024

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we are literally on a rock orbiting a star in space the “you are here” meme makes me remember how minuscule my human problems are on a grander scale it’s a humbling & silly reminder that even when we feel like our personal world is so small & are problems are earth-shattering, we are not the center of the universe !
Mar 5, 2024
making an effort to remember someone’s name upon first meeting says a lot about one’s character & interpersonal skills ! (it often makes the other person feel good & Seen ~) it seems insignificant, but meeting new people and remembering their names is truly so special. if we have the privilege to grow old, this will be something we won’t get to experience as often, due to less interactions with strangers & a declining memory. in a day & age with so much noise and thoughts and distractions, remembering another human’s name seems like the least we can do to help sustain connection and humanity.
Feb 16, 2024