As the housing market rises and domesticity reigns supreme in a post-pandemic world, it’s no wonder that I feel dollhouses are on the verge of going viral. There’s a deep desire to create my own Joseph Cornell fantasy world without any of the real world repercussions of owning property. I highly recommend building one from scratch. Kits or partially made homes are available on Facebook Marketplace all the time for a reasonable rate, plus this allows for max customization possibilities. I’m planning a house tour with mini canapés and cocktails.
Feb 12, 2024

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I don’t care how old I get, I will always be obsessed with dollhouse miniatures. They’re also a very practical thing to collect if you live in a cramped New York City apartment. One of the few, cool places on the UES is this store that’s been around for thirty years, that sells things like mini cheese balls, boba, a lava lamp, and teeny tiny orange Crocs. Relatedly, I am also fond of those trick fake food sculptures that look like milk spilled that you can get online.
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This goes against the grain of my anxiety riddled brain, but if you find yourself in a bout of unemployment I encourage you to lean in. From what I read, this very platform would not exist were it not for unemployment. Granted I know this perspective sounds like and is a privileged take, but just know I have no idea where next month’s rent is coming from. I find that the psychic terror of not making money creeps in when I’m most idle, so I try to do one or more of these things a day to keep that feeling at bay: - Walk my dog - Go to a museum - Research for creative projects - Make said creative projects - Call a friend - Go to the gym - Read a book or long form journalism - Cook - Clean my house Eventually I know that the capitalist grind will rear its ugly head, as it always does, but for a brief moment in time it’s nice to just shut the door on its face.
Mar 2, 2024
Most New Yorkers loathe midtown, but I’m not one of them. Name another neighborhood where you can find the city’s most iconic institutions (Keens, Grand Central Oyster Bar, NYPL), specialty material stores (B&H Fabric, Toho, Jamali), great baked goods (Culture, Rose Bakery, Cafe D’Avignon) Japanese grocery stores (Dainobu, Katagiri), all your doctor’s offices, restaurants that stand up to their hype (Sugarfish, Lodi) and your corporate basics (Uniqlo, Muji)? Excuse me…I’m waiting. What I love most about midtown is that it’s an area for getting shit done. No lollygaggers allowed!
Feb 15, 2024