The one to end my sciatica nightmare!
Feb 12, 2024

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Even just for 3 min! I instantly feel sleepy and less tense. Heres my routine: - reach arms all the way up, fingers together and turn inside out to stretch arms - reach down to touch toes and dangle there awhile - in this pose, bend each knee in turn to stretch hamstrings - stand again and hold foot up behind back and balance a little while. Repeat with other leg - lie down in bed with knees bent and together leaning to one side do spine twist stretch - done!
Feb 16, 2024
I have a bunch of back problems and had a crisis where I couldn’t do anything but lay on the ground for 3-4 weeks without intense pain down to my toes on the left side. So if you have lower back pain-sciatica or related do the following every day: Pelvic tilt exercise Quadruped arm-leg raise Side plank (easiest possible variation) Leg lift (one at a time easiest variation) And most important make sure whenever you’re sitting or standing you are engaging your core muscles (pretend someone is going to punch you in the stomach) And walk a lot all the time Basically you need to make sure your abs and back muscles are holding your body up and not your spine, and being in motion helps adjust the weight around instead of always settling on the same place and destroying your discs PS: don’t stretch if you are actively in pain. you’ll probably stretch the wrong thing in the wrong direction. You want to avoid aggravating inflamed nerves so first thing you want to do is just stop the pain by not fucking with it. Then work on your strength. Final note: this is for a specific back problem. If you have a different one the basic concept should work but the exercises might be different. But you should probably do all of the above anyway cause it’s good for you.
Feb 21, 2025
This works really well if you have a bad back. I got a basketball injury 4 years ago and recently started doing this everyday. I like the “Happy Baby” pose. Anything knee to chest that decompresses the spine. For years I was doing the Cobra Stretch, which crushes the disks towards the lower back. If you have lower back problems, don’t do this one.
Apr 14, 2022

Top Recs from @Diego

Not specifically talks but I think these informed my artistic perspective heavily: - Anne-Marie Schneider‘s full body of work. - Pierre Soulages Exhibit at Fabre Museum. - Germaine Richier‘s sculptures from 1959 - The Works of Alexandre Cabanel - Montpellier‘s Individual Benches (so cute!) - The Writings of Gaston Bachelard - Taoism in general Happy to share more but these are the ones off the top of my head ❣️
Jan 17, 2024
I was literally going to recommend it now! Honestly a sensorial treat & it leaves your skin so soft.
Dec 30, 2023