Playing through March I believe. So stupid, so funny, have not loled that hard in too long. Drop everything and see it!!!
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Feb 12, 2024

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Wow, wow, wow. I canโ€™t remember ever laughing this hard at a Broadway show. How beautiful and insane that Cole Escola has hatched from their genius mind such a well received, delightful, engaging piece of theatre. God, itโ€™s so silly and stupid and yet so SMART and brilliant. I feel so inspired, like we are on the cusp of a delightful comedic renaissance. Iโ€™m delighted to charge forth in the name of this cause, touting the electric genius of Oh, Mary and hopefully contributing work of my own to this flavor of art. Because mama, IT IS ART!
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"๊‰“๊๊‚ต๊‰ฃ ๊€ค๊Œ—๊ˆค'๊“„ ๊ƒ…๊‚ฆ๊‚ต๊Ÿ ๊Œƒ๊€Ž๊“„ ๊€ค๊Œ— ๊€ค๊“„, ๊€˜๊€ค๊ˆค๊€ธ ๊‚ฆ๊Ž‡? ๊€ค ๊“„๊ƒ…๊€ค๊ˆค๊€˜ ๊€ค๊“„ ๊€˜๊€ค๊ˆค๊€ธ ๊‚ฆ๊Ž‡ ๊€ค๊Œ—" the various goings on of the AdirondACTS summer camp, amidst their director Joan being out for the season this stupid fucking movie had me losing my mind laughing and still so emotionally invested by the end it's kinda ridiculous. very inside baseball. the girls that get it, get it cast had no reason to go this hard. massive shoutout to be honest to whoever casted the incredibly talented kids, the adults are obviously the comedic center but the kiddos really sold it for me. also that techie what an absolute star petersfosterstreisandluponegiveusarolewecanmakeourownaudramcdonaldidinamenzelwearegaywitchesandthisisourspell (also, does anyone else think this is like a stealth sequel to/remake of that movie "camp" from a while back? the one with anna kendrick as like an 11 year old singing ladies who lunch and honestly kinda killing to n ee waze biii)
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this is the second year Iโ€™ve adopted this planner scrapbook documenting format but the techo size and paper quality truly takes the practice to another level of serenity. An admittedly very successful tool/gateway drug to get the creative mind awake again. I like to add receipts and assorted detritus to tell additional stories that the planner side doesnโ€™t (if I had a cold that week, a cough drop wrapper). in my planner, I try to divorce myself from cohesion
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A no-frills trivia quiz generator. you pick the category or combination of categories, and the app generates a ten question timed quiz with multiple choice questions. Great for brushing up on trivia and learning new areas. Too many apps these days require an internet connection! So this is a good one for travel.
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