heard in an interview the pitch for the tv series the curse was a video montage of before and after footage from hgtv house flip shows set to alice coltrane ashram music—incredible
saw it on sunday and im still thinking about it multiple times a day; a dissociative psychedelic suburban nightmare that is also incredibly focused in its delivery of a very important message. made me so incredibly emotional. really unique cinematography as well and i love how the soundtrack is like an alternate-universe 90s teen movie soundtrack made by contemporary artists.
you’re at a restaurant, getting up from your table to leave, and then you drink a last sip of water while standing, maybe even down a whole half glass—regularly doing this, can’t just leave water on the table before heading on out
most times when i've gone to a beach, on a hike, etc i'll pick up a few nice rocks and bring them back home—small smooth ones you can hold with the thumb are good—you can set up little piles around the house and get reacquainted with them every now and then