This is my number one hobby at the moment, before this I spent years trying something, being bad and immediately giving up. Last year I learned how to drive a manual (again) as an adult. Humbling! public embarrassment! bunny hopping, stalling, hill starts. But the whole time I was laughing and having the best time because I knew at some point I’d be able to do it. Now I don’t even think about it when I’m driving I’m just there to hoon around and change my little gears — then today I stalled it out of nowhere and I was like yeah! There it is! my favourite little reminder that you can learn things as an adult and it not be so horrific that you have to give up. It’s funny to be bad and it almost doesn’t last long enough.
Bringing this energy into heaps of different things now — I love to be bad at playing basketball and playing bass and swimming.