it's an essential part of the human experience? people who hate talking about the weather need to go find wherever they misplaced their childlike wonder at the variance of nature
Feb 13, 2024

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Everyone talks shit about people talking about the weather because there is a real discomfort with small talk. While I could make a whole separate post about the function of small talk, humans care so much about the weather because it’s kind of a big deal to us! Think of how much our natural environment plays a role in our moods and energy levels and overall health and well-being. Good or bad weather made a huge difference in our ability to survive and thrive, especially in a pre-industrial society without electricity or AC. So yeah, it can feel a little silly to start so many conversations by commenting on how hot/cold it’s been lately, but given how sensitive we are to weather and our environments, it makes perfect sense that we’re all a little obsessed with it.
Mar 5, 2025
it's a riveting topic everyone has an unoffensive opinion on
Jul 20, 2024
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Wind is awful. This mostly goes for places where it gets cold, and there are specific exceptions – I’m not talking a cool breeze on a hot summer’s day here. ——— It’s winter. You check the temperature – freezing cold but manageable. You step out, fully bundled. So far, so good. But wait! A massive gust of wind blasts you in the face, turning mild discomfort into complete misery, and effectively ruining your life. It’s nearly spring. You’re trying to enjoy the false hope that this mild day will transition smoothly into warmer weather without being pulled back by winter’s long, frigid fingers. Lo! A cold wind picks up, makes your eyes water – a bully mocking you for naively foregoing that extra layer you considered. It’s summer. Unless you’re flying a kite, windsurfing, or otherwise doing some specifically wind-related activity, the wind is mostly annoying as fuck. It blows your picnic items over/away, it thunders in your ears. It’s fall. Basically like spring but the other way around. The wind spitefully reminds you winter is coming again. ——— The adverse physical and mental effects of wind have long been anecdotally and folklorically documented, but several scientific studies have also shown a correlation between wind and hypertension and negative mood – even increases in murder rates. From Lyall Watson’s Heaven’s Breath: A Natural History of the Wind: “In 1968, Willis Miller of California Western University, collected statistics for homicides in Los Angeles county and compared them with weather records. There were 53 days during 1964 and 1965 when the Santa Ana blew and humidity, which is normally around 43 percent, fell below 15 percent. On 34 of those 53 windy days, there were more deaths than normal. And during the longest sustained Santa Ana, which blew from October 20th to 26th in 1965, the total was 47 percent higher than in any other windless week…In California’s early, and to this extent more enlightened days, defendants in crimes of passion were able to plead for leniency, citing the wind as an extenuating circumstance.”
Apr 6, 2024

Top Recs from @beabecker

so fucking accurate 10/10. like…correct
Jan 31, 2024
Videos. Journals. Planners. Calendars. Playlists. Spreadsheets. Letters to open in the future. Keeping track of the present (in a way that is low stakes and fun) keeps me from dwelling on the past or feeling upset about changing. It will be there for me if and when I want to return to it! And I get to dip into the things I have thought and felt and loved in the past and maybe they become part of my life again or they don't! I also love to experiment with form in the ways that I record myself. Journals are a classic, but doing something like journaling in a planner with limited space or on a calendar means you have to pick just one memory from each day. Or making playlists / watchlists / reading lists of what's important to you at a time. Embarking upon fun little challenges of discovery (places, songs, books, movies, foods) and keeping track of what you learn in an organized (or disorganized) way! Video journals or little vlogs just for yourself! Scrapbooking! Fun in the moment to create and fun in the future to rediscover.
Jan 26, 2024
it’s a shit game so if you’re gonna play it at least go for a little “nice to come home” when you land on one of your own properties
Feb 14, 2024