i use getwardrobe bc i started when there were less options but i hear stylebook is better (not gonna manually transfer all the data, its several years worth, so im sticking to what ive got!) anyway this is like my fav personal practice, it helps me make better shopping decisions, i love planning future outfits like its a dressup doll game except its me!!!, anytime i buy something i upload a pic of it so i always have a full inventory of all the clothes and accessories i own right in my pocket, it helps me keep my wardrobe small cause i get rid of stuff that i dont wear. it makes u a better consumer of clothes imo also kind of gamifies the process of picking out outfits which is rly fun and cute. i recommend this to anyone who is rly into fashion, archiving, customization, quantifying, organizing, planning etc (i think u have to be a naturally kind of intense person to do this) if u do this too lmk!!