obviously not his best period but the fact that he further embraced digital sounds (post Eno), nine inch nails, industrial music while also maintaining his pop edge is always so fascinating to me
I came quite late to him so this album was a revelation, it made me want to go up to everyone I know and be like wait have you guys heard about David Bowie
Last music recc i promise 🙈. The Dark Knight of Indie Sleaze. Cody has been my fav since I was little kid. This album does not get enough shine for bringing us into the Frank Ocean world we’re currently in. Definitely a spiritual blueprint for me with the whole genre-blending. Reconnecting with his catalog really helped me pick up the guitar again too.
so much to talk about, the sunglasses, the scarf, the fresh baguette and coffee, the always lovely cafe setting. I think this is the most swag ever captured on camera I aspire to be at this level
alright hear me out: carbonation and coffee with a squeeze of orange shouldn’t work, but it does. Been making them daily and i feel a lot better in the morning each time i do