besides free books (physical, digital, audio) the amount of stuff u have access to is wild. i’m talking board games, sewing machines, language classes, coding lessons, cds and dvds (that you can rip and copy and kEEP - none of the librarians are gonna tell you shit for that), maker spaces, 3D printers, community events, ballet classes, movie nights, car repair lessons, resume help, free national park tickets, bat tours during october! It’s great! And for free?!?? in thIS economy? Literally why pay for a coworking space when the library is Right there, with free wifi and quiet rooms all to yourself. And if there are things you don’t see offered but want to? Ask! Or even better, offer!! Start your own thing, get to know your community members. Utilize your third spaces, they’re great!!
Feb 14, 2024

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Truly underrated. I worked at a library for a couple years after college and it was maybe the best working experience I’ve ever had. Community, baby! There’s so much on offer besides books too. Movies, music, video games, audiobooks, local history, free internet, printers, smells (good and bad). A library card is like a black Amex for people with personalities.
Jan 23, 2024
support your community, literacy, life long learning, accessibility to resources, up your vocab, be the smartest person in the room, etc. etc. etc. it’s freakin free
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I took out a library membership with my local council and it’s been great! I initially got it to borrow books, but the libraries host lots of free events and activities, and you can hang out in the comfy chairs or use the desks for as long as you want. It really makes you realise how little truly free spaces exist.
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Top Recs from @bleeding_butch

i got a small bowl of hard/soft candies by the front door so anyone walking in my front door can have a lil treat when they arrive ☺️ and it’s nice to have something sweet after a long day and change it w the seasons! werther’s caramels in the winter and guava candy in the summer :)
Apr 9, 2024
recommendation image
You can access the archive from Plex and it’s a hUge range of films, all for free! It’s been a lifesaver since leaving college and losing access to Kanopy. Tons of revolutionary films and documentaries, it’s like netflix for cool people! Jk i kid, i kid… 👀. A lot of independent films that are no longer being shown are up there too!! Great stuff all around.
Feb 15, 2024