I was in a similar boat as you when I first went on SSRIs (Zoloft) back in 2014. Even after seeing a psychiatrist per my therapist’s recc, it took me about 2 weeks *after* I was prescribed to finally decide to take them. Whether it was placebo or real, I noticed it helped me self-regulate better and feel like I could make therapeutic progress and incremental changes without being totally overwhelmed constantly / breaking down emotionally. Ive since been off and on for Multi-year stretches depending on my needs and circumstance and I‘d recommend it to anyone. I was lucky and the only side affect I had on 50-100 mg of Zoloft was slightly reduced appetite. It’s worth a try! And you can always taper off if you don’t like it :)
Feb 14, 2024

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I started taking zoloft late last year and holy it’s been such a life saver! I did have really bad stomach-related side effects for 3-4 months but have since sorted that out with diet and eating schedule. Kind of annoying but super worth it for me! Good luck 💖💖
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I started on lexapro which helped w acute depressive episodes and allowed me to do things that would actually make me happy (seeing friends, keeping my life in order etc). I have increased dose/changed meds a couple of times now, and I feel like things get better for a while but then a low to medium-grade depression kinda returns (to be fixed by dose increases or med changes again). Bc of this, I’m interested in making a sustained effort for a year to make good habits etc etc (+ psychology) which will help me be more resilient in myself, and then to come off them. Extremely helpful and necessary for me when I needed them 💓
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been on it for 11 years.....have tried to come off it before but it's not possible for me and i've accepted that that is ok! SSRIs can be life saving drugs so definitly worth considering. they mostly kind of....put blinders on your emotions. like blunt the high highs and the low lows. so your spectrum of feeling might feel shortened..... which is hard. but in some cases is crucial for living life. i would not be who i am without the help of ssris
Feb 14, 2024

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