just watched All The President's Men (1976) and currently watching The Way We Were (1973). what stupendous movies; what an attractive man..
Feb 16, 2024

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and it was my first time watching it too. what a film! what a man!
Jan 28, 2024
One of the most romantic films of all time. Warren Beatty and Diane Keaton play hot American socialists John Reed and Louise Bryant. They meet in 1915 in Greenwich Village, fall in love and then get swept up in the Russian Revolution. At one point Louise has a love affair with the alcoholic playwright Eugene O’Neill (played by Jack Nicholson), also deeply hot. It’s 3 hours and 15 minutes with a budget that would be over $100mil today. I can’t believe this movie exists.
Nov 30, 2021
I'd been hearing about THE RED SHOES for years and never got round to watching it - the picture of Moira Shearer staring, wild-eyed, and so intense, at the camera was captivating and it was always on my radar for that reason. Finally, towards the end of last year, I watched it, and JESUS. It is without doubt one of the best films I have ever seen. Despite being shot in the 40s, it feels so contemporary - the colour, the camera movement - and you can feel its DNA all over so many of the films that came after it. It's also the reason Martin Scorsese wanted to be a filmmaker - he was obsessed by it as a nine year old; it's why he uses red so much. It is, unquestionably, required viewing. It also really disturbs the idea that British cinema is all kitchen sink realism. I love the vision, the ambition. As a British filmmaker myself, I love that this makes me feel seen in our cinematic history.
Jan 19, 2024

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do you really need to know if someone is TYPING?!! that buzz buzz buzz does my head in; like literally grates my brain. seek your info, don't get it fed to you. you don't always have to be in the know.
Jan 29, 2024
just a reminder if you're feeling like a change but feel incapable of one/ stifled by your present life.
Nov 2, 2024
for many many reasons: one hilarious franchise, many excellent indie flicks, an ethereal girlfriend, general looks... but MOST NOTABLY in recent days the fact that he somewhat caused the making of Oppenheimer as gave Christopher Nolan a copy of American Prometheus as a wrap gift on Tenet. mentalism.
Jan 29, 2024