I made an account today. I joined some of favorite bands, authors, and celebrities groups. I’m getting some info I didn’t know before, I think if I navigate this app properly and in moderation, it could be informative/interesting. I like the Bright Eyes and Conan O’Brien subreddit. I’m getting my nerd on, something that’s important in these dark times.
Feb 16, 2024

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Jul 12, 2024
never thought i would be into celeb gossip but the subreddits are surprisingly self aware with generally good takes big fan
Feb 2, 2024
I had an older boyfriend 10 years ago who would check reddit every morning and I never understood it until now that im old. There’s literally a subreddit for everything. And the people on it are level headed unlike the psychos on twitter. I spent a lot of time on it solving the Idaho college murders this past winter.
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