Sometimes I get into little worm holes. There was a time I was obsessively into conspiracy theories (I find myself still very susceptible to conspiracy theories and I have to force metaphorical ice water onto my limbic system to remind myself that we are too chaotic to collectively plan doomsday together), another time I was obsessively into ARGs on youtube, then another time where all I watched were tiny home tours (my era of tiny home content consumption is re-emerging after my husband started a show on amazon prime about various air bnbs) but the latest worm hole I have gotten into should be more accurately termed a rabbit hole, as in, an alice-in-wonderland rabbit hole where it's a whole other world down there. I have discovered the realm of neocities and have been browsing so many different sites, so much indie-user content, it;s honestly a little overwhelming but one thing I am realizing so far is the common theme, among all of them, of breaking away from mainstream social media with it's dangers of data harvesting and ad revenue where you are the product as well as maintaining privacy where you are not peer-pressured into giving away details about yourself simply to be relevant on the platform you are using, and instead you can just be as you are, post what you like, create your little space on the web outside the confines of the social media spaces that exist today which are designed to create hostile interactions because that generates more revenue, more data, more surveillance---------- and here I go on my conspiracy theory era again...