Got a tip that's been a game-changer for me: turn your boring to-do list into a badass mission list. Give each task a time limit, like 15 minutes tops. Need to tackle a budget? Set that timer and hustle hard for 15 minutes flat. Trust me, it's like adding turbo to your productivity, especially if you're dealing with ADHD. And guess what? This trick isn't just for work stuff. I use it for everything – from whipping up a grocery list to hunting down online services. It's the secret sauce to getting stuff done, no matter what you're up to.
Feb 16, 2024

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deadass put it in another room and shut the door - if anyone really needs you they'll call. set a timer on anything else (i do it on the oven when I'm cleaning) then break up your tasks into smaller ones and write a checklist. being able to tick things off helps me see how much i've already done. then when the timer goes off either celebrate and finish or set another one and go again. the trick is small enough chunks of time that it's not overwhelming but still let's you get stuff done.
Jan 18, 2025
Not only carving out specific times for your tasks but also! ----- (!And this was a game changer for me!) ------ set a stopwatch each time you get distracted and stop it when you resume working - try to get that number smaller and smaller as you work throughout the day!
Feb 13, 2024
when the work just seems too big and bad. my therapist told me to do this and it was the only way i actually got myself to finish a project that i had been avoiding and building up in my head. i spent the first 15 minute session with just the goal of writing out my to-do list, and by the end of that i realized that it wasn’t that big of a list after all. so then i did another 15 min, and another. and even though overall i only ended up working less than an hour on the project, it felt great bc i still worked 3x longer than i set out to!! and it felt so much more manageable getting back to it the next day!
Mar 22, 2024

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Buy a smart socket and a coffee machine. Program your coffee machine to brew coffee at the time you should wake up. The smell of coffee, coupled with the fear of burning your machine, will get you out of bed.
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its the kind os movie that makes a girl feel special anda forget about whats is really happening
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