There’s no reason to suffer from the plight of a book you don’t enjoy!! I personally love books with grandiose sweeping misery and yearning like Call Me By Your Name, The Price of Salt, the masterprice of Brideshead Revisited, other sad bangers like Normal People, Fleabag: The Scriptures! These books bring you exquisite words like de rigueur, Grand Remonstrance, compunction, impertinence, clodhoppers, sycophantic, cretinous, louts, épergne, etc. These words put me in a top hat and have me teaching Audrey Hepburn about the Rain in Spain Staying Mainly on the plane!! You’d never guess that so many of my other books are silly nonsense and it’s that duality that just keeps the lights on let me tell ya!
Feb 17, 2024

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… and actually enjoying it. In the past year i’ve finally nailed down my taste/hit a groove with pleasure reading and now I can’t stop. I do a lot of reading recs in a way that I almost feel self-conscious about but I can’t contain it - truly bringing me crazy amounts of peace in my life right now. When I was 19-22ish, I spent a lot of time reading what I thought I *should* be reading and ending up spending 3 months trudging through a book just to say I did. I blame Red Scare Podcast. Why was I 19 thinking i needed to read Houellebeq and Lasch? Now I fly through pages and (mostly) love it all. or feel like I got something from it at least. Right now I‘m reading Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver and loving it, can spend hours at a time with it. My favorite book is probably If on a winters night a traveler by Italo Calvino. Happy to get more recs always.
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i usually find myself in reading ruts when i’m taking classes and being assigned books or when i’m trying to keep up with new releases and the “smart” books that are usually dense and long. i can usually get myself out of this rut by picking out a book that looks fun to me, like a book set on a beach or something I loved in middle school. I’m reading From The Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler right now and it’s just FUN!!! I also am very much not someone who feels like they have to finish a book. Life is too short. I think that helps!
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Top Recs from @gabobinson

- The grocery store franchise closest to you is possibly overcharging, so sometimes groceries become a sort of Halloween style I buy fruit from here, pantry things from here, etc etc - Lots of free things to do with a library card!! so many museums have discounted / free admission, the Met for example allows you to do a suggested donation when showing a library card - Obvious but tap water is 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻 no need to buy fancy water when going out to eat (and on this note I always carry around a reusable water bottle and one of those little electric fans bc the temperature outside never matches the subway) - There is no greater joy than getting a blanket and a book and people watching on Sheep Meadow/the Mall/ at any park - Explore the other boroughs!! - It’s so cliche but you can stumble upon so many fun restaurants, events, bars, shops, concerts, museums, etc etc by just strolling around - In tandem with the above I sometimes check the Time Out NY website, the New York Times daily newsletter, New York Magazine. The New Yorker, etc for inspiration and info about things going on - Citymapper is your bff for navigating the subway/bus/transit/walking/etc and is great with keeping you posted on any delays - On this note also always check an MTA app or citymapper etc to see if trains are running, can save you time and sanity - So many free concerts and events at places like the 92nd Street Y, in Bryant Park, SummerStage in Central Park - If you like TV you can go to tapings of shows or get paid to be part of the studio audience on websites like 1iota or Shadow Casting and Productions - Also can get lots of free things from pop ups that different brands host throughout the city, my roommate usually finds them on instagram - Join the free rewards program of your favorite coffee place / grocery store/ etc
Feb 21, 2024
- Sporcle, I love the blank map quizzes and what a perfect way to realize ooo I don’t know enough and I need to learn more - Poptropica for when you want to go on a little quest - Condé Nast Traveler and Travel + Leisure bc how else will I learn about what chic people are up to?? - this may not count but youtube dot com to watch BBC live lounge - Merriam Webster bc those divas have a magnificent cross word
Mar 10, 2024