- Streeteasy is pretty much the answer. You need to be checking and refreshing literally 15 times a day! You need to be addicted to your screen. - Renthop is mostly a scam. - I’ve heard of Craigslist working for some people? - You need to make believe you work in sales and call/email/text the brokers shamelessly. - There are some buildings that never really get listed, but you have to have pretty good social connections to find out about the units. - Make sure your old lease and your new lease overlap by a day or two, because it’s really tough if they don’t. - Movers are going to cost an arm and a leg. Try to do without if you can. Sorry for the no good news!!!
Feb 17, 2024

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Related Recs

1. check streeteasy every day bc new listings go up very frequently 2. go on tours as soon as possible / as frequently as possible 3. send in an application as soon as possible (like ideally on / immediately after the tours) 4. *research the apartment.* make sure it’s rent stabilized, check ownership + rent history, sometimes there are landlord / property manager databases that are worth looking into, or you will likely have to move again very soon there’s a housing crisis in the city rn so if you don’t move quickly enough someone else is going to get the apartment, being the first application in the pile 90% of the time is the only way to get a lease (provided everything else is in order)
Mar 23, 2024
Have you looked at Craigslist for lease takeovers? My sister found mine there as a lease takeover and I’ve been there ever since after officially taking over the lease and getting renewed. Legit only looked at one apartment and just did it. Another good place to look for that is Listings Project. I sublet my place there often and have had great experiences. And lol it’s bad out there! Trying to decide whether to give my summer lease up since I want a change/some more space, but I’m worried about fucking myself over given the vacancy rate rn 🥴
Mar 9, 2024
and if you find apts you like, message the broker and see if they have similar unlisted apts. all my luck has been in applying for apts that aren't even listed yet
May 5, 2024

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