usually to people from your past, or maybe not. any text that you know better than to send right now, or ever. texts of things you wish you could say, or that you're thinking, but can't share for whatever reason. this may not be a healthy way of going about it, it might be a form of holding on when i need to let go. probably no better than talking to myself. but i find that: 1. it gives me that feeling of release, that i got it out of my body and it isn't burning on the inside of my skull anymore, which is usually what drives me to send texts like this in the first place 2. it brings a feeling of strength and pride when i DON'T hit send. when i backspace the whole thing. i typed it out, and it was 1 send button away, and i still didn't bite. that must count for something
Feb 19, 2024

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You’ll never regret 100% of the crazy texts you didn’t send.
Jan 11, 2024
not doing this as much anymore these days, but the thrill this brings can't be matched by anything else. send that risky/regrettable text. then live in ignorance for 12-24 hours. it'll give your body time to forget why it needs to be nervous, and then you'll stumble across the text back when you least expect it. foolproof
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If you have the unfortunate reality of having people around you who constantly consume your items, you may have rage texted said people. I recommending checking undo send, sometimes upon second read some texts read as repetitive. How we, “editing” a message to be a random letter or… blank. As in just a space… it’s ominous. It gets the point across. It gives, “The repercussions for this go beyond what I can say, and leave traces of me saying.”
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