I think lots of people get into it after years in the industry as djs, music journalists, playlisters, etc…people get tapped by projects or companies that are looking for their particular taste and categorical knowledge of music. If you’re a natural crate digger, playlist maker, connecter-of-dots— it may be a path you can carve out for yourself by making a name for yourself as a trusted source in the industry and networking. Anyway, lots of good interviews, podcasts, and articles featuring supervisors discussing this sort of stuff. Warning: like a&r work, it ain’t all fun …mostly contracts and paper pushing.
Feb 20, 2024

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It would be impractical for us to all record all of our conversations and also all listen to those conversations. If you understand who you're making your craft for and to what ends then you'll be at peace. After countless curations and my time in the creme de creme of the artistic world alongside Papa in my youth, I did indeed notice an analytical trend - the artists who could negotiate their own self value found success in their sense and the worldly sense of success did follow after too.
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within any algorithm based platforms, this is kind of the only move right now. posting at high frequency on socials, using high trafficked sounds on tiktok, posting on IG stories. there are specific strats out there and the targets keep moving, so do some research and pick the ones that feel the least like pulling your nails out for you. with spotify specifically, if you qualify for Marquee or Showcase definitely try to do those! otherwise make sure to use spotify for artists pitch to playlists and include a canvas. you can make em for cheap (free even?) on Clipchamp.com. if you play shows, do those locally as much as possible. integrating into your local scene is a great way to sell physical merch (make your own for as cheap as possible and get creative), and making connections leads to more show opportunities and more people who might check you on streaming or bandcamp - which you should be using since it’s free even if no one buys your stuff at first! DO NOT!!! use SubmitHub. it’s money you won’t get back and a lot of people on there now just profit off of offering small artists blog placements for sites no one reads and that will not build you an audience. you should pitch yourself on your own to indie curation platforms you like via DMs/email though, that’s a great way to get on a playlist. overall it’s rough out there but if nothing else you can always post here and these lovely folks might give you a listen!
Mar 26, 2024
perspective to offer: it’s cliché, but i’ve found that working in the music industry HAS put a bit of a damper on my relationship with it. i didn’t realize this until this past year, but it’s very easy to pursue every opportunity to either generate income/make connections…. even opportunities that don’t thoroughly align with your personal ethos—things that don’t excite you artistically so i offer a word of caution; should you choose to go this route, protect your love for your practice ❤️
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It’s the same life but way better.
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