Like their animal namesake, those born under the sign of the Raccoon are smart, adventurous, and determined to get what they want. Bordering on stubborn, a Raccoon will not give up on what it has set its sights on, regardless of the challenge presented. This is a sign that combines natural luck, optimism, and hard work together to achieve great things in life. The irony is that they are also spiritually advanced enough to realize that true success in life means more than money and power. Many Raccoons may live relatively simple but happy lives. What they really want is to achieve the goals that matter to them, to live happily with friends and family, to have some adventure in their lives, and to hopefully make a positive difference in the world.
In the animal kingdom, the raccoon is often portrayed as a thief, scavenger, or pesky opportunist, but this is not a fair portrayal. These creatures merely are willing to do what they need to get by without hesitation or emotional attachment. Similarly those born under the sign of the Raccoon are less concerned with sparing or hurting feelings than they are with doing what they need to do. Unlike some other signs, they don’t let their emotions get in the way of moving forward. They don’t need to spend a lot of time making decisions; their optimistic attitude keeps them going through good times and bad. In fact, Raccoons are often at their best in crisis or under pressure. Rather than buckling under the weight of a challenge, members of this sign happily rise to the opportunity for a new experience.