The success of my day primarily relies on how well (or more often than not, badly) I do on my crossword. At the moment I am loving the NYT app on my phone - it also offers a more accessible ‘mini’ crossword, as well as the wordle.
However, now and again I’ll buy a copy of the New Yorker, flip straight to the last page, and do a physical crossword over an oat milk flat white - my slice of paradise 🥰
I live and die by the comfort of the NYT crossword app, yes you have to pay for the full sized crossword, but life is silly so why not be silly with it. I pull it out at solo dinners, planes, drinks, coffee, whatever. Enjoyment may vary.
at the bar w yr friends. okay, it’s not the NYT, but it’s still fun to crowdsource the answers while having a drink. The end goal is to finish the crossword, but also take a load off on a Sunday night
I had a kiwi the other day, it was all that was left in the fruit basket of the co-working space that I frequent. It was probably the first kiwi I have eaten since primary school.
It was absolutely delicious.
It also served as a gentle reminder that it is easy to fall victim to the monotony of routine. Change your habits! You WILL be rewarded!
Feeling wronged by a former lover? Tell them, then just let that shit go.
Friend made a flippant comment that upset you. Just tell them and move on with the friendship instead of letting things build.
Hold people to a higher standard. As long as you’re not hurting anyones feelings.