On letterboxd. Like how do you rate the Virgin Suicides or Killer of the Flower Moon?! So heavy and devastating! Fully sticking to just saying whether i like a movie or not going forward!
Feb 21, 2024

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i think my inability to rate things on a 0-5 scale reeeaaallly holds me back from being more active on the app. for example, my experience/enjoyability of a movie could be at a 4, while still acknowledging that the actual, objective quality of the movie could is a 2 (or vice versa). a star rating doesn't have enough room to convey that, so i'm not always sure how to rate things in those scenarios. i also always notice myself feeling much more positively about a movie as i'm coming out of it than i end up feeling about it a couple weeks later, so i'm constantly having to change my ratings around. think i'm gonna try the method of simply reviewing with no rating and <3'ing movies if i liked them
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i want to know how you felt watching anatomy of a fall after a breakup or what it was like to take your niece to the paw patrol movie in your depressing hometown movie theatre or that you were inspired to watch cleopatra jones after reading rupaul’s new memoir. i don’t really want to know why you gave dune 2 4.5 stars nor am i interested in your quippy one-liner about the zone of interest (i hate all letterboxd reviews that are try-hard, quippy one liners, but I really hated those!)
Rotten tomatoes is so ghetto. Sometimes 7%s are like 80%s. I use >3 stars as I definitely wouldn't hate this movie it's worked for me so far
Feb 3, 2024

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