this feels like such a simple idea to recommend, but I sometimes find myself trying to make a situation or circumstance work in order to stay in control of the outcome, despite having a deep gut feeling that maybe it’s not the situation I should be in. most of the time (and tbh maybe always) that gut instinct is right. and even if it’s not, there is something comforting about trusting yourself rather than doubting or second guessing. all the what ifs and butterfly effect contemplation arises out of not trusting your gut. nobody knows what you need better than you
Feb 21, 2024

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your mind messes around too much. more often than not i feel like we already know what we want and our brain either tries to confirm it or convince us we're wrong because of the practicality or safety angles. fuck that (unless your financial situation absolutely dictates otherwise or there's deeper than rap stuff going on in your life). you only live once better to do stuff and have it not go as planned rather than wishing you did it
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