The newest Mario Party came out the other day for the Switch and I've been loving it so far! Jamboree seems to combine all the best features of the previous titles to make it my favourite version on the Switch!
There's a good mix of motion and non-motion minigames, the boards I have played so far have all been fun and interesting (something I feel Super Mario Party suffered with, I only really enjoyed Kamek's Tantalising Tower) and the other modes are fun enough time passers if you don't want to play a full game of Mario Party.
There's a good character selection, items are fun and the new buddy system adds an interesting twist. Personally, I think the advantages for the person who gets to the buddy first should be bumped up a bit as it's still quite easy to beat them even without an advantage and there's a few other things I've noticed that could be tweaked to make the game even better.
If you've been hesitant about getting it I would definitely recommend it! If anyone wants to play some online games maybe we could get a PI party together to play?