Went up the Hudson and hiked “Anthony’s nose” (great name). love a good medium level hike — a decent feat but not going to make me yell at my boyfriend on the way up . It was my first time doing a snowy hike. Absolutely beautiful, nothing like crunching the snow with your boots. At the top we rewarded ourselves with some Chex mix and gatorade. A guy near us smoked a joint and I felt envious of his lungs. reminded me I should’ve brought my inhalor.
Feb 21, 2024

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this is my first post here so I hope I’m doing it right… but I went on a hike today and was reminded of how much fun they are!! also I am now very pro-winter hikes, because you aren’t nearly as hot during them. I thought it’d be too cold to be enjoyable, but it was surprisingly nice out. perfect PNW weather🌲🌥️🥾
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This album is great especially when you are running to catch the train / in a hurry
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