The oceans gentle giant! They always look like they’re about to give a hug 🥹 You’re not supposed to interact or pet them only because they like it and shouldn’t get use to human interaction because that will increase them swimming to the surface and getting injured or killed by boats. They’re brains are small but they’re really smart…..(kinda how I feel about myself) Pic of one I saw today!
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Feb 21, 2024

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so patient, so prehistoric, so beautiful
Apr 16, 2024
Feb 8, 2024
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The only thing I don't accept is how extroverted this seems. "A combination of inner intelligence and an energetic sense of playfulness, Dolphins are lovable, active, and adaptable. At their best, members of this sign are curious tinkerers by day and everyone’s favorite drinking buddy by night. At their worst, Dolphins allow themselves to become nervous, confused, and overwhelmed in their work and become obnoxious pranksters to their friends. Balance is a difficult act for the Dolphin. They have all the potential in the world to be great when they are focused, but too often second-guess their own natural intelligence and their world ends up crashing down around them. Simultaneously, Dolphins that become too focused on work end up burned out and resentful, while those who become too focused on play end up acting out in immature ways. Such is the life challenge of the Dolphin. Since they often have big ideas, their life goal is to reach their goals while balancing out any stresses with their fun, social side. The good news is that Dolphins have lots of energy and are adaptable to changes around them. When they feel confident, there is little that they cannot achieve. As long as they stay interested, they can chase any dream. The only problem is that they have a hard time staying interested in one thing for too long. That’s why Dolphins often have many projects going at once. That way when they get bored with one they can move onto another."
Jul 1, 2024

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