when i get something new and can get rid of something i had, i think of someone in my life who might like or need it and offer it to them first. have successfully reassigned items to loved ones such as lightly used rugs, office chairs, good pants... i may be taking a financial loss by not reselling nice items but i am always so happy to see the item in use at a later date.
Feb 21, 2024

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whether it's clothes, books or electronics, there's someone who can make better use of these things than you can at the moment
Mar 14, 2024
I love making trips to goodwill to get rid of stuff. I could try to resell these shoes or whatever but then I have to go some place and wait while they price it at some insultingly low price. I like to convince myself that just giving it away for free and hoping someone recognizes my items and is stoked they found it in a goodwill makes me more happy. It’s therapeutic too.
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Been re-reading a book that was given to me 14 years ago that covers ancient church disciples, one of which being simplicity. The challenge is to create a habit of giving things away, almost at random, until you learn to live unattached. It takes a while to do, but once your start it’s an addiction. I’ve had friends compliment my jacket only to find themselves becoming the new owner shortly after. I’ll often buy myself a treat on the way to work only to gift it to a coworker who mentions that forget to eat. My only warning is this: It becomes addicting. Seeing people respond positively to being given things, especially things that might not have meant a lot to you, but now will mean a lot to them because you gifted it to them, is wonderful. You’ll find yourself wanting to give away everything all the time.
Oct 31, 2024

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