First, make sure your products work for your hair texture and type— fine or thin hair may get overloaded with lots of product, so start with less, add as needed.
I use Prose— I like the custom products, the hard water and air pollution checks, and the option to go silicone free. I use a pre-shampoo mask, shampoo, and conditioner, and I have a leave in conditioner for when I heat dry (I try to do this sparingly, a few times a month). The important thing about wash products is really that you like them, you use them, and that they work for your hair type— doing a little research, or getting sample sizes of products to try out, can really support your wash routine.
In winter, I wash twice weekly, in summer I wash as needed (after exercise/swimming, etc.)
Overnight, I use a heatless curl rod— it’s like a low maintenance plait, it’s easy to sleep in, and it minimises heat styling and breakage. I don’t use hair spray or styling products— I find they weigh my hair down and make it necessary to overwash, which strips/dries hair.
1. Avoid heat styling, and use protectants+low heat if you do
2. Try silicone free soaps, that work for your hair type
3. Try heatless and protective styling
4. Be consistent, give it time