Personally, I love hearing about the inner worlds of total strangers. You don’t know them and you’ll likely never see them again, so no consequences! No baggage! Someone has done this to you, I’m sure
Feb 22, 2024

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not sure what it is about me but people love to just tell me everything about themselves. i love the little fleeting connections where they spill their secrets to me for about 5 minutes before I never ever see them again.
Apr 28, 2024
the craziest stories r always told by ppl u meet in day to day life. just share something personal with a stranger and soon u will hear all the crimes, all the bias with none of the corporate interfernece- trust friend.
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I love an ephemeral chat with a stranger. The kind where you both silently acknowledge it's situational, but it's nice to just make each others' company a pleasant way to pass the time for that fleeting moment. I hardly initiate the conversation these days (I think the pandemic knocked me back a few rungs on the social confidence ladder), but I'm always open to it. It's a good alternative to drifting through life scrolling on a phone in public, and for someone like me, it's always a benefit to be shaken out of your over-analytical thought factory. The only time I'm not shy is when I see someone with a film camera - then I go full motor-mouth.
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