A memory of this game just bubbled to the surface. Back when I was in college (in the golden age of illegal downloads), I got a bootlegged version of this game. It was a racing game that synced to your itunes and adapted the rhythm of the course to whatever music you were listening to. Oh the joys of being high, and not only listening to your favorite jams, but racing to them. I don't know if it still exists, but if you enjoy getting high and want a fun, simple, and meditative late night task, you should check it out.
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Feb 22, 2024

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I don’t know what it is about them, maybe it’s the music or the terrible graphics, or maybe just remembering how it felt to have so much extra time on my hands that I could sit and play whatever free/cheap video game I could get my little hands on and disappear for hours on end without having to stress about deadlines or sleep schedules. Sometimes when its slow at work I’ll play some of the old soundtracks on my headphones to pass the time :)
Feb 27, 2025
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I’ve been revisiting the wonders of super simple games for when I don’t want to be doing what I should be doing. The fact that they’re played on a computer as opposed to a phone means that I can quickly switch back to what I’m working on when I start to feel too guilty. It feels better than scrolling, anyway! These got me through college long ago: Robot Unicorn Attack, so addictive not just in gameplay but in its perfect looped use of “Always” by Erasure (banger) QWOP, possibly the best procrastination game ever invented mostly bc it eventually becomes so frustrating you’d just rather do your actual work but until then you will keep trying relentlessly. Theres no better feeling than advancing enough to hear more notes of “Chariots of Fire” Pls rec any others you like!
Jun 17, 2024

Top Recs from @ruffianbandwidth

I don't know how well this actually answers your initial question, I think it's more of a counterpoint to some of the stuff people have already said, but here it goes. In the past (prior to social media or search engines) specific styles, specialized knowledge, and niche awareness actually took effort. You had to go out into the world and find a scene, be accepted, participate in it, contribute to it, and learn from others with specific knowledge within the specific sub- or counter-cultural scene. It took time, effort, and experience to craft an identity. Nowadays people cycle through various identities and trends like commodities because it takes no effort (they're sold to them by social media algorithms, influencers, brand accounts, etc.). It comes to you in your phone without you ever even having to leave the house or put in the time to discover it or participate in it (you just follow specific people or subscribe). You can be a passive observer or consumer, not an active contributor. As a result, you're not invested or tied down and committed to that core identity. You can cosplay depending on your mood or who you want to momentarily convey yourself as, because it's easy. Essentially, being a poser has become normalized. An identity is now something to be momentarily consumed and affected, rather than grown, built, and developed over time. Granted, it's always been different in regards to "mass" culture and popular trends (both in the past and now). Those are impossible to miss and were always monopolized by specific trend setting institutions, but always by the time it gets to that point, the actual initial counter- or sub-culture that inspired it has already been coopted and has started to disintegrate under the weight and attention of mass consumption.
Feb 18, 2024
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I feel like everything about this photo captures that unique period of time - the covid masks, the protest signs, the boarded windows, the national guard. I look at it now and I still feel glimmers of the hope I felt in that moment, when the rigid and all encompassing oppressive and systemic ruts of society felt like they were becoming more plastic and might even come undone. However, in retrospect, I am of course also hit with the ultimate disappointment, betrayal, and futility of it all. So in that sense, it really captures that hovering sense of disillusionment and hope that I'm perpetually caught between within my day to day life.
Mar 30, 2024