if everything is in the open at least you can talk it through

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Depending on the conversation, it could also be an uncomfortable one all parties involved but the only through it is through! Keep in mind why you want to have the conversation in the first place and the importance behind it. Everyone is different, I like to go in and get straight into it but it also helps writing out points or maybe practicing what you’re going to say. Keep your head as leveled and fair as it can be. If needed, take a walk and grab some fresh air afterwards before analyzing how the conversation went. Wishing you the best of luck & it’s all going to be okay! (-:
May 24, 2024
- be a good communicator. if you have a problem or are unclear on something or need to make something clear one cannot expect anyone to have the same norms. talk and be on the same page and establish that dynamic for the inevitable times it needs to happen - figure out respective grocery + dishes + cookware + general belongings ecosystem. some houses can just be communal some have to be separate. depends on who yall are. gotta know which and gotta respect it - just clean everything you were using in a public space if you don’t intend to keep using it i feel like when i had roommates our biggest issues were not figuring these things out. but just talking about everything is the biggest one that way if someone is disappointed or angry about something it’s either based in reality or it’s not
i wish people were better at this. big sign of emotional maturity i think is when people are actually capable of this. things happen and if you can’t talk them through what are you meant to do? just let it stew so it gets worse? let it destroy a relationship for no reason? fuck all that. have the conversations so you can reach an understanding. we can’t read eachothers minds man

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leaves you susceptible to dating someone for too long because they play a role rather than it being about who they are. if you go in open to every situation, it will play out as its supposed to naturally (sometimes with a little nudge)
literally every single series has been great so far except BOS/MIA & CLE/ORL. we really in for a treat
go drink some right now it’s good for your body and skin and has magical healing properties when consumed at the right times. currently it’s helping me beat a hangover