Harboring that thought of "so and so would like this," as a ping in your mind can be immensely life-altering. How about being ahead of the curve. How about being the curve starter??
The secret is accumulation 😆
I buy the odd trinket or beauty product that "reminds me" of friends and family when shopping around, until I amass enough to package together as a kit or hamper. They also work as a bonus thrown in with the big gift.
I keep a gift file (document/notes app/whatever) for my closest loved ones. Mentions of things they want, interests and ideas go into it all year for birthday and Christmas.
Also doing this and having ideas ready can allow you to shop sales & Black Friday! Or have plenty of time to make the perfect handmade thing you've figured out 😌
You only need three things: paper, pen, and pal.
Highlight that special quality you admire.
Bring up that funny story.
Add a drawing to accompany.
Maybe an origami frog.
We only know a small portion of animals due to the media and those in our area, but there are so many unknowns. The platypus, axolotl, and echidna are just the tip of the iceberg. Here is a Kinkajou.
American graphic designer, in which I know of because of his movie posters. He completely revolutionized the title credits game. I won't pretend to know how to describe his minimal style other than that it reminds me of Dexter's Laboratory.