It bums me out whenever someone's trying to say something but cuts themselves off or says "nevermind" because they assume that they're wasting time. Think it through, or let it come back to you. 3 years ago, I started saying, "Talk through the thought" with my friend, and I think it's made me more patient, and I've ended up hearing/saying some cool shit (or at least some funny shit) that I would've probably missed out on otherwise.
Feb 23, 2024

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it is genuinely incredible what people will tell you if you just sit there quietly and don't pipe up all the time
personally cannot stand people who interupt conversations to insert their thoughts the moment they come up, iv found the best conversations iv had with the most flow to them have been with people who intentionally wait for you to finish a cohesive thought to build on it themselves, often leaving you then with even more to build on.
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as a chronic interrupter (i’m an east coast gemini theater kid jew ... it’s in my nature i’m SORRY) this advice actually blew my mind. because i’m usually waiting for the person to /make their point/ before i respond. but waiting for the last word? that’s new! that’s actionable! because sometimes someone makes their point, but then by the end of the sentence they totally pivot. and it’s good to let them figure that out. think of it less as patience (boring, hard), and more as leaving space for wildcard additions (fun, intriguing)
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Remote, cucumber, bag of chips, house keys. Not sure they get anything out of it, but they just seem happy to be kept in the loop.
Feb 24, 2024
Sometimes what’s understood still needs to be said
Apr 10, 2024
Not really a rec but just writing because it happened twice today and I think it’s pretty cute. “Let me put you over here” or “I’m gonna plug you in real quick” or “I gotta go for a sec, I’m gonna give you to _____” Love it.
Mar 1, 2024