Geese cannot pick up their young and take flight, lifting them into the air; all they can do is swim, carrying the goslings through the water atop their backs. First-year geese have a survival rate of 50-70 percent. Geese mate for life and love their young fiercely. They are quite emotional creatures.
Three geese sitting atop posts like sentinels
watch as two goslings below the dam
swim against the tide
crashing into the falling water
over and over
fighting to get back to where they were.
No way to go but down.
They settle on a rocky clearing above the water,
tired and wet,
shaking the water off of their backs—unaware.
The mother goose looks at me and calls to me
(we don’t share a language—
but I understand her desperate cry for help).
She lays down flat on the post, despondent and resigned.
The flock comes to her and surrounds her.
I cannot look away or leave;
we are bearing witness.
Cruelest world takes life every day,
and sometimes there is nothing we can do but watch.