I’ve got about 25 notebooks in all shapes and sizes with about a few pages written in, but whenever I see another cute notebook at a shop I must have it! Here’s 3 of my newest pick ups and I’m sure next few weeks il have even more
sketchbook/notebook brand with colored paper. i got a mystery pack with three different colors. they’re so cute i can’t wait to finish my current journal and crack one poem
Queer cinematic excellence told through the trans lens of visionary director and writer Jane Schoenburn examining the dystopia that is suburban New Jersey, identity, belonging, and monster of the week tv shows
beautiful little indie told thru the lives of the queer rodeo circuit and those who are looking to find themselves. Great work from the whole cast and everyone who worked on this. defo a standout of the year for me
I’ve thought about this book every day since I’ve read it. If you are someone like me who lives chronically online this is our ancient text. There’s so much history and lore behind what we call stan culture today and some of it no one even knows about. This book will give you so much insight into the everything 1D and every relevent artist post that era.