is a very important read for those living in nyc.
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Feb 26, 2024

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The car simps in political leadership and the enemies of a vibrant, sociable spaces have decided to do away with outdoor dining structures in favor of street parking. There are plenty of reasons to love these ad hoc hovels, designed and built to support once-struggling restaurants and cafes, ranging from the ramshackle to the wonderfully inventive. These photos are an endearing testament to our fellow humans' creative resilience. I'm sad for NYC and disappointed in our leaders for regressing to the status quo instead of embracing communal spaces.
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Shortly after moving to New York I read (and re-read) Rem Koolhaas’ Delirious New York. He wrote it as a retroactive manifesto for the city that needed one and didn’t have one, but to me it reads like this really poetic and at times existential critique of the absurdity of NYC. The scale, the numbers and statistics, the unprecedented “grid”, why the city is the way it is, what lie beneath, and so on. Dave and I work in historic building restoration and getting to see the intricate inner-workings of how these old wooden structures are built is both deeply fascinating and horrifying.
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Top Recs from @chlonline

Shoot! Sorry I missed your call, I’m in moon mode.
Apr 20, 2024
These are my favorite food (only slight hyperbole). I recommend, in no order: -Kettle brand -Kettle brand air fried -7/11 -Lay's Kettle Cooked These chips are so strong that they will burn your tongue. They are chemical perfection that make the systems in my body dance. They are so rock and roll. No matter what size the bag, I will probably finish the bag. I always eat the folded ones first, and then move to the unfolded ones.
Jan 31, 2024
If you’re within an hour walk from home, you should just walk home. I understand taking public transit or an Uber there to be on time, but you’re not rushing to get home. Thus, walk.
Feb 5, 2024