In this doggy dog worldâ anyone can find out how to say something right judt by going to the liberry. Iâm not going to say anything jurassic, instead Iâll be pacific. The joy of saying something completely wrong and watching the other guy twitch and squirm, trying not to correct youâ trying to be abiding and calm. Accepting of a trespass that he cannot correct for fear of being condescending, of appearing holier than. You think youâre better than me? You have no idea how much better than me you are. If you had the balls, youâd punch me square on the forehead and leave the imprint of your knuckles red between my eyes. after what Iâve said so flagrantly, so carelessly. But you wonât. Youâll just sit there and suffer, wonât you?The elation of intentionally playing the fool. This is a joy that I try not to take fo granite