note: I already did both, an English and Spanish edition of these in case you want to check those out. I do the lists thinking about people who like YouTube and are learning languages. Learning Italian/about Italian culture: Easy Italian: they teach about the technique and they also interview random people on the streets of Italy, which is perfect for you to hear different accents. Learn Italian With Lucrezia: she teaches about technique but she also does vlogs where she breaks down Italian culture by showing her day to day. I believe both have subtitles in various languages. Commentary: Psicologa Giada Sofia Ave: she's a psychologist. Particularly useful when learning the language because she speaks about a niche topic (more vocabulary to know) and also speaks very slow. Persi in Corea: an Italian woman who used to live in Korea for years. She does videos breaking down Korean culture and compares it to Italy. How they both differ, their different takes on things, like social cues, dating, etc. Geopop: all things science, geography, etc. Vlogging: ShantiLives. Makeup: Grace On Your Dash: makeup guru who happens to be a singer, hence, she has excellent pronunciation. Vogue Italia: they do makeup videos as well as What's in My Bag videos, and it's useful because it prompts people to talk about their routine. Cooking: GialloZafferano. Fatto in Casa per Voi. Fatto in Casa da Benedetta. (The last two are by the same woman). ASMR: AppleTingles ASMR: she gets very creative with the way she presents her videos. Also talks about various topics in a slow and relaxing manner.
Feb 27, 2024

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My native language is Spanish. I use YouTube primarily to learn other languages so this list is not as extensive as the one I did on my English edition of my favorite YouTube channels, but I still enjoy these very much. Hopefully someone who's learning Spanish or knows the language finds them. All of them are commentary channels surrounding different topics. Luna Martinez (México): commentary channel that has a humorous approach. She recently opened up about an abusive relationship she was in, for almost a decade, and now is making commentary mostly through a feminist lens about problems happening in México and Latin America as a whole. Knowing what I know now, it makes her all the more compelling to me. She also speaks slowly in case anyone is still trying to get to a conversational level but can't properly hear well just yet. Ter (Spain): She's an architect. I believe some of her videos have subtitles in English. Most of her videos are dedicated to the explanation of architecture and art. She breaks it down for people who don't know about architecture. I promise you, no one I've seen in any language has her takes. Her interpretations are very interesting to see because you never know the approach that she's going to take. Danna Alquati (Venezuela): She makes funny commentary, mostly about terrible movies, but she also has very interesting analysis and movie recommendations. Her most popular video is an analysis on Lolita and I remember it being really good. I recommend as a whole, her series Danna Hates on Movies. Blanca Guilera (Spain): she also talks about art but is more of an academic approach, reviewing the original intentions from artists and/or the context under which a certain piece was created.
Feb 27, 2024
Commentary/ video essays/ analysis, etc.: because these keep me from having my own opinions, prevent my brain from having wrinkles in it, and I enjoy them. Content about current topics in general: 1. Uncarley 2. D'angelo Wallace. 3. Tee Noir. 4. Shanspeare. 5. Philosophy Tube . 6. ContraPoints. Journalistic content/ documentaries: 1. CHUPPL. 2. Defunctland. Content primarily centered around movies and shows: 1. Yhara Zayd. 2. elle literacy. 3. Trin Lovell. 4. Friendly Space Ninja. Content centered around fashion: HauteLeMode. Booktubers: because I love to read. They are not as numerous because I'm picky with the personalities I take recommendations from. 1. Shawn Mccomb. 2. Ana Wallace Johnson. 3. Csop. Note: I also recommend Uncarley's videos. She started as a booktuber but pivoted into more of a commentary channel. However I love her recommendations still. Podcasts: 1. Girl Historians: A Comedy Podcast: each season they talk about different topics. It's two seasons so far. First one was about the the sinking of the Titanic. Currently they're talking about the Salem Witch Trials. 2. NickyandCoco: they talk about people and/or brands in the entertainment industry and how they have gotten a push through the lens of marketing. It's been very educational. 3. BroskiReport: another comedy podcast I love. 4. Rebuttal Podcast: Reb Masel goes in depth about cases that the public may not know about, contributing to this true-crime podcast through her perspective as a lawyer. Vloggers: they have a special place in my heart because this is how i learned English and it’s a method I’ve used with the other languages I’ve been learning. 1. Hannah Elise. 2. Nailea Devora. 3. Kennedy Walsh. 4. Avrey Ovard. 5. Emma Chamberlain.
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English: Gentle Gypsy ASMR. Sarah Lavender ASMR. Hannaboo ASMR. Gentle Whispering ASMR. (I believe she does both, English and Russian). Italian: AppleTingles ASMR French: Nefertiti ASMR Marimoon ASMR (spanish and French).
Feb 27, 2024

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