I’m never going to be junior copywriter at the Big bank or executive assistant steam factory they Don’t want girls who r sexy and fun so now im just going to have to become successful at what I actually love doing and am proven talented at
Feb 27, 2024

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i think linkedin-posting is routinely dogged online because everyone on there posts the same kind of either bootlicker lapdog content like "i love my job. i love my coworkers. employment is incredible!" or the kind of pretentious aspirational thought-leader drivel that reads as (or is legitimately expressive of being) arrogant and self-important to a fault i think there's room on the platform for a kind of deviation that humanizes professional life, whether that's talking about your work and what it means to you or talking about broader industry trends in a novel way or possibly discussing the challenges of existing in the professional landscape... of course linkedin is where your job, peers, and future employers are, so maybe that kind of content and demonstrated independent thinking is a liability, which is probably why everyone sticks to the tried-and-true formats that are dogged as cringe or banally evil i think if you want to post to linkedin you should because why not, but i think the "where" (linkedin) is not really as important as the "what", "why", or "how" – if you're satisfied with your answers to those questions go with god and whatnot. what determines if you're cool and relatable if you post on linkedin is if your linkedin posts are cool and relatable!
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