every night I listen to this gorgeous British woman read books to me in a slow low gorgeous timbre. the sleepy bookshelf also edits out any parts of stories that might be stressful like the flying monkeys in the wizard of oz which is awesome
Certainly not the intention here, but hearing painstakingly precise descriptions of a landscape read in Karl Ove’s accent knocks me right out. Lovely. Press play, night-night.
For me this is such a good way to calm my body and get into the mindset for bedtime. Kids novels are the best dream fuel 🌌Currently Im listening to the Phantom Tollbooth
I love imagining the lives of these people talking me to sleep. aw cute they went home and came back to read the next day w a slightly softer/higher voice. humans <3
I schedule stuff in my phone but I use my physical planner to write out what I actually did every day. it’s awesome and nice to reflect on all the weird stuff that I didnt mean to do. I also write what media i consumed and what memes or cultural stuff seems important on a given day because when I look back I’m always like oh ya i Forgot about that
if ur single go on a date a someone who is so not ur usual vibe it could be sooooo fun and you won’t be anxious because it’s like who the bleep is this