Have pridefully avoided these forever...scoffed at the lazy scum who choose to listen to a book rather than read one. However....my tune has changed...my crow has been eaten....my table has turned.... I just can't get enough of it now. It doesn't replace reading an actual book, but it definitely beats most podcasts.
Feb 27, 2024

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also a former huge reader who struggles to read nowadays. i started listening to audiobooks on spotify and it‘s been a game changer for me. i never thought id be an audiobook enjoyer, but i do love podcasts and being able to consume media passively while doing other things.
Apr 17, 2024
I love reading but never saw myself as an audiobook girl. I also listen to so many podcasts (which I love…) that entertain me but don’t teach me things. Working on focusing my energy towards learning more, reading more! Might as well if I always have headphones in. This is a new development but I‘ve already found myself eager to listen to new books I typically wouldn’t buy or grab from the library! also: if you don’t have the Libby app and a library card, change that immediately. imagine paying $20 for a book you only listen to!!!!
Jan 16, 2025
had a prejudice against audiobooks because i falsely believed it was a lesser form of reading despite hypocritically growing up having my parents read out loud to me and living with those obvious benefits. took a study that demonstrated listening and reading brain scans look identical to break this opinion
Jan 29, 2024

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