Get out and feel the speed, the wind in your hair, the pain in your lungs and quads and ass, the growing awareness that you are rapidly aging and soon will die, but you donā€™t care, you have a shirt with some kind of muscle car on it that says ā€œIā€™m not old, Iā€™m classicā€ and your wife rolls her eyes but she knows itā€™s true, youā€™re a goddamned legend. I recommend that.
Feb 27, 2024

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Idk why I only got hip to this method of transport as my primary one this summer as this is my 4th year living in New York. I was notoriously 30 min late everyday to any class before 12pm in college or any class I didnā€™t care about purely because my method was train or bus then train and Iā€™m one of those people that always just thinks they have 20 minutes to spare when it takes so long for them to put a perfect outfit together and they then negate breakfast every morning. I was often late to morning shifts of retail jobs for similar reasons or the bus just was late late lateā€¦ Or Iā€™d oversleep so much going to class didnā€™t even seem worth it. But now. I realize. If I had just taken a fucking bike. I really wouldnā€™t have been the latest girl in the world all these years. And I love biking; itā€™s literally how I survived lockdown. my daily routine was get high all day and ride my bike around my suburban hometown to different locations and keep smoking (until this led to an actual psychosis.) perhaps I was intimidated by nyc chaos. I will admit electric Citi bike is not for the faint of heart. Iā€™ve almost gotten hit numerous times. And once somewhere around Times Square on my way to the JT concert, a strange man with a high quality camera took a picture up my skirt? Hopefully it was blurry as I was going the speed of light but idk. so many of the docks are broken which may cause insurmountable frustration? And there was one time this summer I went to 5 different stations and every dock all of them were dead and it felt like the electricity system was conspiring against my ability to meet my friends at Mott Street Eatery. Regardless. Iā€™ve felt safer transporting myself at night without the fee of an Uber. Iā€™m more often at time. I feel like Iā€™m flying. Ive gotten to reconnect with my passion of the bike ride. I love to whip around with my friends who equally love biking. And I feel unstoppable. My dad wants me and my sister to invest in collapsable helmets but that feels embarrassing like borderline voyeuristic - and Iā€™d have to really commit to the bit as I bike probably average 4x a day now. he says young people avoid safety precautions because we have huge ego. Considering the amount of accidents these fast ass bikes cause: he has a point. Live love laugh electric Citi bike. Itā€™s an art you should master. I have a need for speed.
Oct 7, 2024
Wear your favorite pair of shorts Wear flip flops Feel the breeze Feel the sun Listen to the birds Listen to your favorite playlist Smoke a cigarette While riding your bike Summer is hereeee
May 27, 2024

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