Currently in a similar position: very nice people, fully remote, and a fair amount of flexibility but also I work all the time, communication is constant and dysfunctional, and I’m underpaid for my scope. At least for me, it’s been helpful to pick a general date I’ll start applying selectively and trying to see what else is out there (have never had the lixury to do that while still employed). But since that’s a year from now, I also have 2-3 clearly defined priorities for the time I am going to be here (right now it’s learning as much as I can and being a strong advocate for the team under me/trying to make their lives better for the time I’m here). So it’s a lot around intention setting and I still experience a fair amount of furstration most days, but have found deliberate framing to be helpful here.
Feb 28, 2024

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Tbh I feel like finding a job you like is mostly self awareness and knowing that it’s still going to feel like a job A few questions that Might help: 1. think about past work experience - who has your favorite supervisor been? Why? Same for least favorite - what did they do that you absolutely could not stand? 2. Think about morals - do you want to find ~meaning~ at work or is it more important to have stability and freetime? 3. Think about past coworkers - do you like working alone? On a team? Is it important to be around people during the work day? 4. Think about what you get satisfaction out of in your personal life - is your grocery list organized by aisle? are you the mediator in your friend group? While hobbies might play into this, try and think beyond them try and translate some of your answers into something you’d find on a job description. Maybe this exercise won’t be helpful but thinking about work like this has helped me land in a job I like Myself as example: I like organization, having autonomy, having my voice heard, and ~believing~ in the work I do. I also get bored at work quickly. This originally led me to social work where I quickly got burnt out With 24/7 work. I’m in continuing Ed administration where I work a 9-5 ~10 months of the year and have 1-2 very hectic months and that works really well for me.
Feb 16, 2024
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Dec 5, 2024
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