A story of survival, loss, sadness, and almost indescribable joy in community.
IDK how it took me so long to discover this (it first came out in 2008) sweet little film.
Essentially it's the story of "chosen family" -- approximately 50 families of Holocaust survivors (most of whom lost every family member they had to the Nazis) who invested together in a bungalow colony up in the Catskills and come together every summer to reunite, hang out, and reminisce.
The movie focuses on the year 2006, when many in the colony are getting to the age where life is harder for them physically, and collectively they must decide how long the colony should continue, or if they should sell this special place where they can see each other "and be free."
"Life can be beautiful even when it's not so easy" says one of the survivors of her lot in life.
I loved and was so inspired by this story.