I recently remembered that in college I would make tuna melts because they were cheap and pretty good and easy, now that my frontal lobe is more developed and I have a steady income I decided to see if I could zhuzh it up a bit and found an incredible reddit thread in r/melts where people far and near exchange tuna melt secrets. Let me tell you the first time I put the fresh dill and lemon juice..................... more broadly, this experience made me feel good about picking something I have to do as part of my daily life and making it as glorious as I possibly can, I think it gives a kind of respect to the thing, like respecting the sandwich I'm making for lunch or romanticizing my 6 floor walk-up by being very specific about the things I'm allowed to think about on the way up and practicing/perfecting the stomp vs tiptoe vs slouching methods .................. gets me through the day or at least up the stairs
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Feb 28, 2024

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