great article by gdspd including a pi.fyi mention
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Feb 29, 2024

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(fwiw I think pi.fyi fights the top-down rec structure, democratizes recs, and encourages exploration, but much 2 consider) “The pyramid scheme of taste follows the structure of your typical MLM. One person or institution declares something—a book, an Italian 90s movie, a type of coffee, the Hainan Chicken House—to have value. They then align the Chicken House with a certain desired aesthetic, a sense of prestige or in-group knowledge. The first degree of buy-ins might come from friends, TikTok followers or Times readers who will then go on to seek out this acclaimed Chicken House. These consumers are not motivated by the desire to fulfill a personal want or need, or by a drive toward personal aesthetic or knowledge or exploration, but by the knowledge that once they've collected this experience they can take a new seat in the pyramid and espouse the merits of the said experience to whoever their own micro-audience happens to be….  Sharing something you truly love to someone who revels in that revelation is sheer pleasure, and being shown a hidden gem you'd never otherwise come across is a true gift. It is not the transmission of recommendation that I object to, but the structure of its dissemination. The joy in sharing tastes comes from the joy of connection and mutual discovery. This is the opposite of the pyramid, which works to blend the joy of discovery with consumerist and elitist tastemaking… Tastes are meant to be formed through experimentation, experiences that test your comfort zone and elicit reactions that inform you of what you truly like.“
Aug 1, 2024

Top Recs from @heumann

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you people seem cool so i try to avoid too much nerd/code/tech talk but here we go anyway. 🤓 one of the most useful skills i have acquired as a coder is the ability to steal things from the internet. there is so much stuff on the web that you ostensibly are supposed to pay for, but with a little coding know-how you can scrape the relevant data, download it to your computer, keep it forever and never pay a dime for it. Or maybe pay for it once but be able to cancel your ongoing subscription to it. I have used this skill to steal / borrow / archive: - workout videos from a paid yoga app - cocktail recipes - food recipes - music - library books - instructional materials - graphical source material for making art Depending on what you’re doing, this can require more or less technical skill, but likely less than you expect. this is also a thing that chatgpt is very good at walking you through, if you ask it for help. it feels especially rewarding to learn a new skill in service of saving yourself money, too. Even if the content in question is free, it’s nice to know you’ll have it for eternity even if a provider goes out of business, and it enables you to search/organize/manage the content however you like (with no ads, paywalls, etc). it’s a useful exercise in digital literacy that demystifies a little bit of the technical world that surrounds us, and it always gives me a thrilling little frisson of “civil disobedience” or at least naughtiness.
Apr 28, 2024
i still read hyperbole as “hyper-bowl”
Mar 18, 2024
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so first of all, if you didnt know, you can press and hold on stuff in a photo on your phone and create "stickers" you can send in imessage. but i just discovered you can press and hold on a "live photo" and get an animated sticker i am going to be so annoying in chats with this feature (I don't think pi.fyi supports gifs/animations so visit link to see example)
May 5, 2024