Can’t pigeon hole people. I can hold ten thousand identities and feelings at once.
Today I was overwhelmed with the world and my place in it. it all seemed too big and confusing. We live in such heated times where our identities are put on trial. it’s hard to embrace who you are when you are constantly confronting yourself. There seems to be little comfort or sense in any of it.
Then in this online world I’m flooded with every bit if information possible and it keep putting my brain in overdrive. I seem to be loosing myself in it.
But then again Buddism comes through with its view of the self. Fluid and forever changing. Their is no defined or definite self we are our environments and everything we have ever learned and been a part of. This lack of constant on my being seems to calm the confusion on who I am or who I am supposed to be. I am fluid and forever changing.
All I ask of myself is to embrace this, open myself up to this world and explore whatever I can.