This site has range. It can accommodate tweets and treatises. More of this diversity please. I also love that long posts get jumbled like this unless you expand it. It let's you know someone is cooking.
recommendation image
Feb 29, 2024

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every day i log on and write like a little book report on a piece of media that impacted me and that i cherish and why... it's so nice to reflect...!
Feb 27, 2024
i think that while it had it's own host of problems it was really the ideal social media. multiple media formats were supported. it was easily searchable. the ui was perfect; minimalist, iconic, but also customizable. while there was some kind of recommendation algorithm it really was just largely user-sourced: you followed specific blogs, specific tags, and that ultimately led to a super rich online experience where for certain the stuff you wanted to see was on your timeline and if you saw something you didn't recognize but liked (or something you recognized but didn't like) you could actually change your feed to include (or exclude) that new content, which more often than not came from people / tags you were already following subculture on tumblr flourished in a way that instagram and twitter have never replicated; the fact that you could follow a$ap yams, frank ocean, et al and be tapped into this new moment in art and media or be in the pits of fandom tumblr or just be somewhere in the middle and constantly see cool photos, essays, etc. (where again, all of this is indexed on specific tags so people can post common stuff on the same thread) is just so much what the ideal digital platform is (for me, at least) - and unlike ig and twitter, you could be multi-faceted on tumblr; the algorithm (or your followers) didn't punish you for liking and posting about multiple things instagram has carved its niche out by asking users "how monetizable can you make yourself?" twitter has carved its niche out by asking users "how disaffected and aloof can you make yourself?" tumblr was the only place where you weren't actively punished just for being earnest. it's still around but it absolutely isn't the same and the second someone can make a website with the exact same feature set without getting sued i'm so fucking there. pi.fyi is the first site that feels "tumblr-esque" in a while (honorable mention to are.na which i just haven't had the patience to figure out yet)
Apr 1, 2024

Top Recs from @lucius

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Alright y'all, standards have gotten a little lax around here and rec quality has taken a dip (I'm including myself in this). Here are some pointers for High Rec Standards. ANATOMY OF A REC: TITLE—This is the rec or recommendations. This is NOT a lead in. Type exactly what you're recommending here. What appears in the Title should finish this sentence, "I recommend _____." BODY—This supports the rec and anything goes. Supporting statements, supporting essays, additional recs, you can get silly, you can pontificate. You can do anything you want. Except putting the main rec down here. Where does it go? That's right. In the Title 👆 IMAGE—No rules. Add one to preference. It can be relevant or a non sequitur. LINK—I highly recommend links but it's not as important as the Title or Body. If you are recommending something that has an online presence (music, movies, websites, products, etc.), Piffies want to click on it immediately. Don't make us google. Be kind a leave a link. EMOJI—No rules. Express yourself. ANTI-RECS: They exist and they are valid recs. "Anti-Rec: _____" clearly communicates this is something best avoided. But a better way format this type of Rec is to use a modifier or verb that flows with "I recommend _____." Ex. I recommend... Not Eating Tacks, Avoiding Area X, Leaving Off the Anchovies, etc.—(Formatting Anti-Recs this way first recommended by tyler the Creator) ANATOMY OF AN ASK: TITLE—This is the question or topic of the Ask. Asks can solicit advice or start a discussion. You have some flexibility here because the Ask is expected to be expounded upon in the body if it needs more context. Just be clear. Again, this is not a lead in. Be direct and ask the question or state the topic. BODY—Provide more context. Narrow the recommendation field. Add relevant links. Remember, the Ask goes in the Title 👆 EMOJI—No rules. Express yourself. ANSWERING AN ASK—Recs on Asks can break style as dictated by the Ask. If the Ask is looking for Recs, give Recs following style. If it's asking for opinions, give your opinion. Asking for links? Give links! Respond however you would respond some someone IRL. Asks start a conversation so you can be more conversational. But keep in mind that these Recs will appear in the main feed. So where you can maintain Rec style, do so. Example: WHAT’S YOUR CURRENT LETTERBOXD TOP 4? A response to this with High Rec Standards would look something like this: TITLE—Lists your current Letterboxd top 4. You are recommending these four movies. BODY—Free reign here. Drop your Letterboxd @. Talk about the movies. Make a quip. Emoji. Relevant links. Nothing. IMAGE—Optional. Screenshot of your top four. Frame from a movie. Dealer's choice. LINK—Add your Letterboxd profile only if you want to be found. EMOJI—Whatever. But it'd be nice if it was relevant. DISCLAIMER: This is a living community document! These are only my recommendations for a foundation. Debate and Discussion of proper style are Encouraged. Any editions and changes to the PI.FYI STYLE GUIDE will be notated with attribution. Changelog: 07.26.2024—Clarified a Rec is not limited to one recommendation. Recs can recommend multiple things. Thanks to shegoestoanotherschool for identifying the issue. / Added guidance for Anti-Rec format. 02.11.2025—Moved SpongeBob Bubble Blowing Technique video link from the top level into the body ("some pointers") so the embed wouldn't override the High Quality instructional graphic.
Jul 25, 2024
This combo has just been here the whole time?!
Feb 6, 2025
i will eat one every day i do not give a fuck anymore
Jan 30, 2024